The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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17 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS WEDNESDAY II ARCH 14 1928 ASIN BEATEN IN TRIPLE A LEAGUE HUNTER OUT DAVIS CUP OPENING Hunter Missing rom Leland Bradleys Snap Mass Aggie Basketball Squad Closes Season Davis Cup Trial Play Asinof Winning Streak and HORSE RACING RESULTS NEWTON IS STILL BRAVES SENATORS MARATHON LEADER IN SCORELESS TIE i Pl in who has 0a (ield?) minor 5 $soo Tim by 3G0 Of nibl He into purse 1 0(A him 00 Sh Wt G20 0 4 A 4 nnu plnyvd 10 minute 4 A i ur 0 11 ungt 0 0 maidens lute 260 Boy and S20 claiming Vuelta one Standard Hitfid Wt 5 i pt Tin? 0 0 14 olds and Manio ilamiin: Also Randd Mediator Jr 0 Sanabar 0 1 0 7 16 140 0 0 0 7 240 CCD A 2 for IT 1 4 Major League Rosters England third in BOSTON Portland 0 4 A Wa terbur 8 I 0 eon 4AA RIVALS ON MAT 278 mi AT DALTON A SOO 1 1 11 000 10 Record 8 go Both Eastern League Aces not it 100 fLGSULLIVAN INC MANCHESTER NH football OLLI iGU EXCLXti 113 1 wJL RXi 6 0 11 0 and $800 Xelaneyn repios il 0 0 0 colt fl and geld allowances 0 Cincinnati Louis 0 RraGte ltishoy TL 42' 320 A 6 out out 0 A ii 0 0 0 Horse and Jockey Kentucky Babe fTnns) upward Time 2 10 Min Bet ty Cad 0 0 0 0 0 0 i Rlrer 300 LzgiJ I largrave Neill IL IL 1b 4 0 0 4 0 0 camp here govdz chance has the stuff ogo 0 0 Oi nerves 0 Me leu 1 10 108 start won Miami wt 113 113 115 12Oi V2 Marcellia ut center Thomas was tho Williams ri 300 600 Evelyn Hock ITH Gramcrey handicap longs Time JCfl 24n Smith High 3 Hornsby 2 Brown rf J'arren Moorel Burrus 1 today's 2 11 52 3 17 140 The year ty In the most startling upset of the current basketball Reason here the Ijeland Bradley quintet badly trounc ed Asinof last night to the tune to 17 at the club in a Triple A league gunu It was truly a big up set for the Clothiers had sped through their previous six games of the second round unbeaten and were aiming at a clean slate The club factory team outplayed Asinof in every department ofiplay Bunny Hearn Allows our Hits in Six Innings Blucgc St 1100 'I 5 jRuHfvan McGowan rt Lawler Harrington rg by a groat eight inning Chicago winning from the locate 9 to 6 innings: at Kos and 32 Lutcher Dawc Tutney and raduate in June ana Princeton Dartmouth Sh 240 "40 240 oi th on 0 10 0 Robert Rod Sox Carrion Clifford Edinburg HarHsfl Bryan RM Sox 100 680 Sprmg Cent ral wen PL 28' nb U) 3 21V Polyangle will' keep Hunter Augustti Waimnnu HTardy) Ann Curtis rancis) Haw iKrilvl Also ran Knighthood Minstrel Nop Glint O'Goio cor SEVENTH ward handicap 1 16 0 3 day scoring in the fourth inning in the fifth Eddie recruit out fielder got two other extra base by innings: hot pahs the Chicago (AI3 0 11 1 1 Shreveport (TIA "11 I' 0 2 Wilson ttd Den Curdy Jackson Thompson Drown uck and Hayworth Campbell on stage and Kerry If Vulr rt Eennetf rt Stotts Simmons Morrison Raymond rs 4 Page 2 (Goldberg (Hurley rf Greenberg rt llaverty If Greenberg It Stan i'u bo hard to re elect Elicit i is it will have to St 680 420 04') perhaps winter on Team 117 Maximus phj siquo 1 Io Kind Words (Norris) 113 32 Also ran Cassi Machete Paul Dunya Hoodies Rio Panchita Semper elix Thumkrcrash Emile Prince Bozo OURTH 4 year olds and upward rlniming $l00v 1U miles Time 267 ill Tender Seth Jola Shot Queen Olivia ckctiun as rupU hnviM min ferun Iris robbed of one of his most cherished ambL lions The in' 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Luque Edwards nt leek rlgbl and forward berths with Lobo at center and Gallup ttnI Hamlin in the back court In addition IL and I Patashni will also return to pro unw ard purse yOC John Hennessey Inlianapoh th toiit tiann nt a lny In fault iron) Jirv'rf Adam meeting of the PaviS ciip selection committee with Tilden 'this team captain to com pinto plans the Americon zone campaign that will with the matches against Mexico at Mexico City April 6 and Biloxi Toledo Mudhens tion champions defeated a pick up team of Cleveland Indians to to il cluster of seven runs and seven more Morgan Indian a home run and hits The score marathon He covered the 2SS mile stretch from Oatman Ariz to this city in four hours and three minutes Already' loader in the total elapsed 1 no bis ad His to Duncan Elected Captain of Basketball At Springfield College nnett rancis nnett rancis Herbert red Duncan of East Walpole was unanimously elect ed captain of next Spring field college hacketball team at the annual banquet of the squad held la night at Woods hall Duncan has starred at right for ward for two seasons on HTe barsity five and was one of the main cogs in the machine which won 18 out of 20 games for Conch Hickox the past winter Howard Shinn a New Jersey boy was chosen manager Seven letters were awarded last night to Capts James and Wagner Capt elcct Duncan Nordyke Craig Lindaman and Gustafson Sfit'da ood Back row left to right Coach Harold Gore Mann Manager Brockway Coukos Webbei Ellcrt 'Ihomas Capt Reed Murdougji McEwen Paul McGowan Leads Clubmen to Victory in Triple A League Scoring Seven Baskets While Holding Nadler Safe Score 35 to 17 the delicate fragrance and full Havana flavor of a 7204 1tirA and InfkPV Kit Carbon tDupleaah) 6S0 jshort nre inert Conquistador (Jones' Also ran Potent Preferred for ils choice Qualify Piseon win 2i Uoegar I'oy (Horn) Also Witchmount 1 XTl I RA 3 yea claiming purs? 11060 I Irtrflc nnd JockV Take a Chance D'ard 11 though ho has appeared here three times before while wrestled Wladek Zbyszko here earlier this win Berkeley: defeated Orleans 6 1 arc expected to wage vigorous battle for regular berths Kelley is fast has a good eye and his return to I squad should help out rt At! Brtrry t'harls Lallan I a Connelly Ed ward Seini Hoherty Edward A Holy Cross Hvinsr Julm A Toledo A A llvfnuuin red Red Sox INIELDERS Joftpph Easton HinKoit ant Joplin A Myer Charles Red Sox Rojinn Wlllium Red Sox Rowell William Rel SoX Rollings Russell Red Sox Rothrock Jack Red Sox Todt Phillip Red Sox red Baggs Beaten Other avorites Win (AP) St Petersburg la March 13 (AP) The Washington Senators and Boston Braves battb nine innings to a scoreless tic here this afternoon with Marbcrry for the Senators Hearn for Boston pitching in midseason form Bogers Hornsby went hitless It was generally a less affair otherwise with the Ameri cans getting five hits as compared with two for the Braves The game was called at the end of the ninth inning by agreement The score: BOSTON (NI) WASHINGTON (AU rb po a nv in ga me? i iatUonp 0 with two pingte gave the runs off Beck in the third by innings oar olds and purse $SCV time the lanky entrant desia Sonih Africa boo vantage heavily again to tai time for the StmT Business Will Keep Partner Away rom American Zone Matches at Mexico City But Will Be Available Later Captain Says II rg lliHaterfy Williams Will Lose our ast Swimmers Williamstown March 13 Placing third in the Now England intercol legiate swimming meet held in Wil liamstown owr the pabt week end the Williams college swimmers brought theft season to an end Coach Graham's charges von five of their eight dual meets The Koya! Purple won the "Little championship for the second year in succession and placed pf Capt Butclior in the 11 yard swim 1 1 np holder of the' national record in the breast stroke were the stars of the team Pnvnfnn will the loss of these men will be severely felt next year although some prom ising material has developed among the lower classes White Nov Hally Shrcvaport La March 13 (API early lead was wiped out rally by tne White Sox today the Sox their second game in a row Tlie score by Williamstown March 13 or last match before the New Eng land intercollegia tes the Williams wrestling team will face the Amherst matmen in Lasell gymnasium here tomorrow The urplo grapplers hate only two victories so tar this season to their credit Coach Bullock has made only one change in the lineupwhich is ns follows: J15 pound class Richardson 125 pound class Taylor 135 pound class Lisle lt5 pound elas Mandell 158 pound class Lumb or West 175 pound class Deming: Unlimited Andersen IL Gr3t Luck (Gwynne' Old Guard Thrre (Mvr Also ran BathUde Stanmorfi SIXTH Throe yen cld wards claiming $S00 1 IG mil 2 IP Horse md Joekey Wt Coach Kiel Gore lossersj Were Handicapped by I Winter Illnesses Holyoke Iai fnv tnnn tn I Ut I I ivailublc next winipranl is provable the 192 quintet pirKC iroru uhs submit ut'NS as little hope i held 'out that tliis team will furnish much help for the yearlings experienced one vf the poorest seasons in years Ellert will in all probability lead team built around several members of the freshman quintet which he captained and which went through its season undefeated It includes Prank Ma won from AV Craig Jack sonville 6 2 6 3 Cohen Jr of Kansas City protege of Bill Til den lleatei Gus ucrcr Miami Rany Hry Diddle rn Tin Soldier Blind Heels 4 year oids and upward purse dpn will be or bind lor the tryout? They are oxpectcd to ineludo Johnny HennessfV George DofL jimior openrank Shields and Wilmer Allison most of whom are now playing in lorida 'Die team will be selected the 24th or 25th and depart immediately for in the dashes and Schott AGGIE HOOP TEAM SPLIT EVEN OR SEASON 1928 Jacksonville la March 13 The unset of red I' igg A'ork at the bands of John Temple Graves Jacksonville 10 8 6 0 featured today's jlay 'in the South eastern tennis tournament under vay tuque and Edwards Give Reds Win Over Browns Orlando la March 13 (AP) Luque and iMwards held the St Loute Browns to Hevrn scattered hits and the Cincinnati took the load in the four game exhibition scries by winning thu third contest today to 0 Beck and Wright pitched veil for the Browns but a fluke double combined Reds two Tho score 11 39 Time 20 mlnutc halves Asinof ubly assisted tall fit 1920 68 1200 780 Brown Bomb Horse and Jockey Dr Crabtree (Hooper) I Told You (Homing) rnnliUn (OliDleS8iS Also ran Lusardl Eugene Lificnter Macner SIXTH 3 year olds clatminar lurirngs Edward Mobile I RutTinr Charle? Red Sox Runnell Jack Red Sox ScHb rnire Merl Mobile Simmons Patrick Salm 7 WilaoD John Wafer Pitts Wilson John Red Sox Wilt Me Harold Red Sox Tcrchrr (Leonard) itii Prince TH TH 113 i noot i Ion Also ran Battle ield Billy Vitt Copl'vt shine Hoed Sir Leonid Toledo GIavoGi nd flat teric? Heidelbucb Bolton errell and Autry Stahlnvm iter Huntsingcr Maunn and Devormcr Hamby Heth Le iasetead Ira Red Sox Lnopp Selma Lorpp Meridian 1J2 Watch On and upAcard mile Time 113 1 3 Wt St Pl Sh 2 () seniors and Capt lZlect ltd lert of Holyoke Capt "Kellie" Reed British Long Distance Star Continucs to Set Pace in Coast to Coasl Race Kingman Ariz March 13 (AB) Arthur Newlvn the English long distance runner showed his heels to the remainder of the field today to WILL 17 Tint" CO halves I st 103 SfOl (Coltileui) 110 AVinter Haven la March 13 (AP) St Louis Cardinals and hila delplila Nationals game called off Broadway in "The Buzzard" sched uled to open here AVednesday Tilden handled the part with success in a bowing in Albany last week bnt now has had to withdraw from the cast to devote his intentions to a game which has a greater claim upon him HAKKV AllTHUK MAHNKEN Tir SrUINGlEW 4 Bam Brooklyn July 15 HI'S Kight handed batter nnd thrower weighing 390 poond and 6 (eet 2 Inches' tail Graduate ot colleen whor* he batted 375 In three years and where t'layed Cub Rnu MBgufi J027 Bpringflflldi Eastern (Clfchmsn) 13 vynne) b5 Tea Bedford Queen Vj tor VoncB Be Leon Mexican Davis cup player survived his third round match I'calitig A Holland Jmksm vide 6 1 2 Ill the see und round played this morning the Mexico City entry had eliminated Jack McLean AVashingtou 6 1 4 rank Shields Into entry won St Petersburg A 1 1 i 1 1 pion dcfcatc'l lorida player I Bell University Clifford Sutter 4 land near I attack ot I attaining a general in shape his usual form I Imre is feeling that if ho had b' throughout the season ti ght have broken into the win column more often "Line" irdoucn field boy ho is Dalton March 1 Individual hon ors in the community bowl ing for the past week xvnt to the following: High single string 100: high threo string total Margaret May nard 279 big litiiun Business Wom en No 1 12'12: five highest bowlers NIargarct Mayna id 279 May Cro sier 278 lorence White 275 Cath erine Carmel 270 nnd Anna Kalcy 2Gfi Schoolboy JIiij Slick ort Myers la March 13 Johnny Byons Philadelphia high school athlete probably has won a berth on the pitching staff of Connie Athletics Manager Mack plans to carry 10 pitchers through the season He already bus definitely se lected eight from the big squad work ing out at tho training has a very Mach said today "lie plays baseball all the time and cer tainly possesses tne looks better every time he steps to the Meeting Tomorrow The result gives Gilbert Barker a chance to tic for the second round title but they must dispose of Dia mond Match tomorrow night A voc tory for the Gibbies will tie them with Asinof and necessitate a playoff of tho second round At hether they will play a three game series for the Triple A championship or one game to decide the second half and if Asinof wins the extra contest hold the three games to determine the titleists wilt bo de cided at a meeting of the managers concerned tomorrow night at the club The other game last night found theMassachusetts Mutuals walloping the Standard OH quintet in a very poorly played game by a score of 52 to 39 This practically assures the Xnsur ancemen of at least a tic for third place The opening contest found tho 'Le land Bradleys getting tho jump at the outset Both teams played caintiously to start and close guarding ensued Paddy lynn finally sent tho club factory off with a neat side shot Donnie Sullivan added a foul and Capt Paul McGowan connected for his first of seven double deckers for a 5 to lead Ilaverty scored for Asinof and McGowan sank another double deck er Asinof called time out at the point to organize their now demoralized forces or a minute the Clothiers came back strong with Nadler and Stelma kov dropping in baskets but once more McGowan camo to The front with a twin counter find Sullivan added to the total with two baskets from the side of the court The Le land Bradlcj held a 14 to advan tage at half time Nailier Shifts Lineup Coach Nadler then shifted his line Dp to start the second half sending Jly Goldberg Into center and Greenberg who was resting' up frem a cold into the lineup This did not phase the clubmen in the least I and lynn started the scoring in Hie second half 1th two baskets Me Cowan then started popping and with i aid from Sullivan and IJhil Dawlor had Asinof on the run The Clothiers were way off their 'nsual game but credit cannot betaken from the Leland Bradleys a spectacular brand of basket 'baU that kept the crowd with them throughout McGowan was the star of the quin tet for he not only counted seven times from the floor but he bottled up Nadler successfully holding him go a single basket and two fouls All the other men came in for great credit with Harrington Lawler and lynn playing a sturdy defensive same Nestor Stelmakov and Grcen berg were the only Asinof plryers to scorn more than one basket Bob Berry Dave MJr and Ralston Stone were the high scrcrs for the Mutuals in their victory over Socony while Monahan Heed and Ouelette scored heavily for the Oilmen The scores: Wt I Iff) 26 Count Vifta 10 Afar rtl Apricot Tennessee Alceste Coeur Lion ITH 3 year olds claiming i mile purse New Turk March CAP) rancis Hunter second ranking American tennis star and doubles champion partner of William Til cten will be missing when the Ameri can Davte cup squads report fou training and team selection next Alunday at Augusta Ga Uncle Seth (ord Also ran Becky Kuo hand Alonteagl? Mitch! SECOND Three year olds claim ing 513 furlonjrs Time 3 Edna Truesdale (Gwynnel 110 2 1 7 10 Geo Meh ae (Meyer) 103 43 2 Wager ((Shropshire) 10v 43 Ateo Pop Stacy Spiral Tatpy Dale Marabou THIRD Tn yca olds claiming mite Time 4S 4 Horse and Jockey Wt St Charmaln (Cheatham) 112 3 Babv Delhi (Meyer) 107 Busy Miss (McElfresh) I'M Also ran Ea Vrokhon Tayne Rene OURTH Threc ycar olds and in wards claiming $SC) mile Tlmc 1114 Horse and Jockey Wt St Splinters (Gwynn 112 3 1 1 1 1 Saratoga Maid ln7 3 2 Tamale Dirk (Palumbo) 114 Also ran Guerrie Robert Maxwell Zcfim Lawless Cuban lag ID Newell rg 101 1g OiMonahan 10 i Reed 0 Reed rf TiSmlth rf ojOuetette If AVorilt K( lug New Orle'iHS March Glenn Bolton Cleveland Indian rookie may hdVe to spend this year in The minors bteausii he devlde what I position ho wants to play He re I ported to the tribe at Now Orleans! regarded as brilliant southpaw i pitching prospect but Ids uow Tvitii the bat has given him visions ot annexing berth nt first or in Hie outfield Manager ugh has asked 1 Bolton 'to make up his mind which position ho wants to fight tor in a final tryout eck has given his per sonal attention jn the line points of playing shortstop to Jonah Goldman formerly of Syracuse university 1 year olds end upward SlOIAt 4 mile Time 113 1 ekev VVl St Sb 3 Hefette Connors St Pl Sh 26 (X) 1080 360 A'so ran T'rsom Mark Maatrr Sturdy Stella Old Du: Thistle Beauty William 1 SEVENTH year olds and lip wardi claiming Time 2U7 2 3 Wt Pt Pl 108 13(V (()116 2 1U drill hall surface conquest ot AVilliamstown and the AVmcester Tech at Drury High to Have Strong Hoop Team Next Season North Adams March 13 Drury i High recently completed a highly sue ecssful basketball season winning 17 out Of 21 games of a difficult schedule which included the leading schools of this section and prospects are very bright for another inning quintet next year Of tho 10 players who par ticipated in most of the games seven will be on hand again tn only seniors on the team this were Capt Scully who played a for ward Renton who alternated at ter and Hicks who was used at for ward in a number of games Coach Hosley will have seven letter men available nest year Canedy and 1 Tnrberl Aril Sm illiarms IL lnny Mobile Wi 1 1 1 am aii Brow ns New York from TL Terhune 7 3 national intercollegiate eham A' llburn Lievciana 1 of of Greenfield was high scorer ami played a consistently good game all winter He made a good lender and his defensive work was a treat Tlje diminutive leaner in offensive Thoma The and Jockey Roseate 2nd (Turner) Miniator (Wnrikn) (Luther) Unis limit lndlin Miss March The I American defeated a i Amherst March 12 Rising to bights of splendid play in svwral contests and in other games giving only a mediocre exhibition the 1928 edition of tho Mass Aggie Iiasketeors broke even during' the cn season with seven games won a like nuinber lost It is only to state however that the usual isnn iinx of coughs and elds hit the Agrarians I than usual the past i our Seniors I Tho outstanding over Maine in one of the best seen on the new during the season the AA'illiams at downing' of AVorcestcr son in a slump losing three games in a row the loss to fufts HtriT Pour nr arus claiming $300: 5U furlongs Angeles March 4 is 53 hours minutes Simpson of CharioMe was the second to complete stretch His time was four hours giving him a total hou 5G minutes and affairs fi on 1 lining the squad' TCI and probably also from competing in Mexico Tilden pointed out however that itis doubles partner will be avail able later us circunistinqes warrant No test matches arc needed to settle the fact that Tilden and llunter are the country's outstanding doubles combination Tilden is vested by the Davis cup officials with absolute authority Jin selecting the team ncxtiweek Nut more than seven or eight of the group 18 inilc tnark ltit 'linqtnslv! it shortly after as steady pace carried him to the fore The field of contestants showed an other slight reduction today 127 run ners leaving the starting point at Oat man I 'Y 'Wu i 4 lb 357 a ids) 1'bv BASEBALL WILL START TODAY Hanover March 13 Dartmouth baseball candidates get their first test of regular practice tomorrow after noon when all men will report to gether for tho first time this year The indoor cage where all early season practice has to be held on nccount of weather conditions will bo in top notch condition Workmen removed tho last vestiges of the basketball court today and plowed and repacked the dirt surface of the cage The college has also outfitted this wing of tho large cage with a new net which was placed yesterday Coach Tesreuu has announced that his pitchers who have been prac ticing for the past three weeks will perform for a light batting drill In field practice will begin early next week Efforts to get together a nine Cor thy first games will be handicap pci us usual by the forced indoor practice and the team will get little it any outdoor work before the south ern trip at the first of April and upward purs Time 111 700 02 93 300 300 cso Butty ODrien Smiling Jersey Red Combus Delectable 2d Regular QteL Heir ACE 4 yar old and upward 21 10 fteferee Connors Idland Bradley 4 0 24 3 27 IS If Two baae hit Bluegc reploski Reeves AP 2 1 off VanAlMyno 1 berry 2 Double jilaya rnrrii Reeves Hat'! off Marberry 0 in 3 innings 3 iunxng IlMrn 1 innings Umpires nBitol rr Tlparn in 6th IDattcd for Gaston in 7th Master t'avid (Stevens! 11 Also ran Jack Dempsey Color EIGHTH 3 ycar olda and upward claiming six furlongs: purse SAX' Time nr mite? purse $10c0 4 Go 320 300 SOUTHPAW PITCHER TO REJOIN HILL1ES Pittsfield March Warren res Imur ft handed pitched who lives near Baltimore Md has again signed with the Hillies reshottr joined early Last season Ho bad twirled in tho United States army nnar Washington and was sent to Lewiston ot the New England league That club sent him back to Pittsfield and ho was suspended Simmons of Watervliet right Itanded pitcher who won II games and lost 11 games for Salem of the New England league last sea son is to be turned over to Pitts field by the Boston Red Sox He struck out 81 men anl allowed an average of 203 earned runs nine innings pitched Collins manager of the HtHfes who has been at the training ramp of tho Boston Americans in Bradenton la has started for home He hns Veen assured enty of help from the Boston chib but lt may not be announced until few days before the opening of the major league sea son what players will be with Pitts field Mint Toddy (Root) Sqm (Mevr) VV Dll Evans Joe Junior Little Jinttnv Mtes Orn Prevail Queen tteaste Hp u'kling Wafer Bhady Brook Tho Cocoon SECOND RACE tevear olda and upward claiming purse $1COU 1 mile? Time and Jockey Wt Momo Preese (Horn) 103 A Izetra (Root) IGO i It ian I I fl t'rf I'rwYaY 1 1 Also Adieu Gabaldon George Dever King Tut Margaret fl THIRD 2 ycar old ing jnaiden? purse mile Timrt 45 2 3 Huiw and Jockey Nos na Col lift ti) this reason liny "Mann of Dalton wiii got into a number of games thu winter Tom Hetherington former Adams High captain and one cf the best shots on the yquad and Johnnie a guard Three juniors Andy Collkos who substituted su creditably for Thomas in several gam tills year at center Pana Webber former Arms academy captain and Kelley of Dalton who expects to be eligible next year PESEK AND SHANNON HERE ON WEDNESDAY John and "Cowboy Shannon will bo the principals in the next wrestling sIdw to be pul on in the Auditorium by Jim Barnes These giants will come together on the 21st week front tonight ami will go best two tn three falls front Ravene Neb while Shannon calls Miles Mont liis home Shannon conn ing in at about 15 pounds will have some weight advantage over Pcsek Also ran Gcoandd Diddle Betti? A Marylyn A Omareen SECOND RACE claiming miie 14 1 5 Horse and Jockey Wt riend Joe (Ayraud) 109 Lady Rose (Pawunia) 113 Picnic (Bedford) 113 Also Bea Taster Kinetic olly Thurpe rlaiminc 1 mile and 70 vards purse Time 143 Horse and Jockey rrais (TlneD Tupper Hhot (Ayrnud) lying Chief (Elston) van Home Run nb Bomba Rinka Maloney Breechloader ir'Js Irish Brigadier GRTII RACE claiming milcs IRST RACE: vca oldfl and upward allowances turlongs purse Time olfl Horsier nnd Jockey NOTRE DAME NINE ON AMHERST SLATE Am'ierst March 13 The Amherst college baseball schedule was released today The schedule this season in cludes IS games as follows: April 19 Clark: 21 A 27 Springfield college at Springfield 28 Columbia tit New York May 2 Bowdoin 5 New Hampshire at Durham 10 Williams IS Union at Schenectady 19 Hamilton at Clinton: 23 Wesleyan at Middletown: 2G Newport Training school 30 Wil liams at Williamstown June 2 'J A at A 15 Notre Dome 1G Dart mouth 30 27 1 KArifica hits like on balln oft oil Delaney off Gaston struck our ny tMur Burrus arrell and rib and Steler Hitt oft Gallon 1 in off VanAlstyne 2 in 3 inning? eft in inntnurs off Delaney in 3 Magee ana anuraiwn Hicks ront row 1 'Jiv'Av 1 xWMr A JL a I I 1 'Ml ITT i A Boy CaptanrElecL i 12 razn 33 IT 2b HR Mil l) CI 9 2 3 2 1 0 17 22) 3J 3 'Vi: vjh 4 7 kw I Horse and Jockey St I Drama (Mrl3cue 1" 34 Jubal Early (Horn) 1L Star alcon (Dellow) 1lo Also ran Dry Moon Hatty 1.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.