Resultados da busca para thats not what happened (2024)

' + mhldsOutputTop + mhldsOutputBranch + '
LibraryLocation & FormatRange of holdings and/or Access URL



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"id": "frbr-music", "title": "Música", "code": "NOTATEDMUSIC", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Manuscrito": { "id": "frbr-manuscript", "title": "Manuscrito", "code": "MS", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Letra normal": { "id": "frbr-regular-print", "title": "Letra normal", "code": "UNKNOWN", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Atlas": { "id": "frbr-atlas", "title": "Atlas", "code": "ATLAS", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Tira de película": { "id": "frbr-filmstrip", "title": "Tira de película", "code": "FILMSTRIP", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Sección": { "id": "frbr-section", "title": "Sección", "code": "SECTION", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Película": { "id": "frbr-motion-picture", "title": "Película", "code": "MOTIONPICT", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Equipo": { "id": "frbr-kit", "title": "Equipo", "code": "KIT", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Materiales 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"erc": true }, "Grabación de vídeo ": { "id": "frbr-video-recording", "title": "Video recording", "code": "VIDEOREC", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Gráfico": { "id": "frbr-chart", "title": "Gráfico", "code": "CHART", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Diagrama": { "id": "frbr-diagram", "title": "Diagrama", "code": "DIAGRAM", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Diapositiva": { "id": "frbr-slide", "title": "Diapositiva", "code": "SLIDE", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Impreso": { "id": "frbr-print", "title": "Impreso", "code": "PRINT", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Táctil": { "id": "frbr-tactile", "title": "Táctil", "code": "TACTILE", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Dibujo": { "id": "frbr-drawing", "title": "Dibujo", "code": "DRAWING", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Tarjetas didácticas": { "id": "frbr-flash-card", "title": "Tarjeta de memoria flash", "code": "FLASHCARD", "facetCode": " 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"frbr-eaudiobook", "title": "eAudiolibro", "code": "E_SOUNDREC", "facetCode": " ", "ils": false, "erc": true }, "eVideo": { "id": "frbr-evideo", "title": "eVideo", "code": "E_VIDEO", "facetCode": " ", "ils": false, "erc": true }, "Casete": { "id": "frbr-cassette", "title": "Casete", "code": "SOUNDCASS", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Otro": { "id": "frbr-other", "title": "Otro", "code": "UNKNOWN", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true },/*** BEGIN CUSTOM ***/ "Electronic Resource": { "id": "frbr-online-resource", "title": "Electronic Resource", "code": "ER", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Magazines": { "id": "frbr-continuing-resources", "title": "Magazines", "code": "CR", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Music": { "id": "frbr-music", "title": "Music", "code": "MUSIC", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Video cartridge": { "id": "frbr-video-cartridge", "title": "Video cartridge", "code": "VIDEOCART", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": false }, "Large print": { "id": "frbr-large-print", "title": "Large print", "code": "LARGEPRINT", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Notated music": { "id": "frbr-music", "title": "Notated music", "code": "NOTATEDMUSIC", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": true }, "Transparency": { "id": "frbr-transparency", "title": "Transparency", "code": "TRANSPARENCY", "facetCode": " ", "ils": true, "erc": false }/*** END CUSTOM ***/ } //console.log('frbrFormatBOOK:'+frbrFormats['Books']['code']); //console.log('frbrFormatE_BOOK:'+frbrFormats['eBook']['code']); //console.log('frbrFormatBOOK:'+frbrFormats['BOOK']['code']); return frbrFormats;}//*******************************************************************************************************************//function removeGmd(titleData) { //console.log("tD:"+titleData); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[sound recording *(\([A-Za-z0-9_-]*\))* *\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[videorecording *(\([A-Za-z0-9_-]*\))* *\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[text .large print.\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[microform\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[computer file\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[electronic resource\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[filmstrip\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[braille\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[kit\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[motion picture\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[slide\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[transparency\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[realia\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[grabación sonora *(\([A-Za-z0-9_-]*\))* *\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[grabación de video *(\([A-Za-z0-9_-]*\))* *\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[texto .en tipografía mayor.\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[microforma\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[archivo computacional\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[recurso electrónico\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[tira de película\]/i, ""); //titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[braille\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[conjunto\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[película\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[diapositiva\]/i, ""); titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[transparencia\]/i, ""); //titleData = titleData.replace(/ *\[realia\]/i, ""); //console.log("nT:"+titleData); return titleData;}//*******************************************************************************************************************//function removeSubtitle(titleData) { titleData = titleData.replace(/: a novel *.*/i,""); return titleData}//*******************************************************************************************************************//// On Each Hit Loadedfunction frbrSearch(rId) { frbrFormats = setupFormats(); if (currentSearch.indexOf("FRBR=1") == -1) { var myProfile = com_sirsi_ent_page.friendlyUrl; //'frbr'; var myLocale = com_sirsi_ent_page.localeCode; if (jQuery('.frbrNote').length == 0) { // jQuery("div.resultsToolbar_num_results").append('

(Some may be grouped)

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Selections") > -1)) { curTitle = ""; } // if the authorized title does not contain Vol., Volume, or Part, but the main title does, then do not use the authorized title for searching else if ((curTitle.match(/\. Vol\. [0-9]/) == null) && (curTitle.match(/\. Volume [0-9]/) == null) && (curTitle.match(/\. Part [0-9]/) == null)) { if ((curMainTitle.match(/\. Vol\. [0-9]/) != null) || (curMainTitle.match(/\. Volume [0-9]/) != null) || (curMainTitle.match(/\. Part [0-9]/) != null)) { curTitle = ""; } } var curAuthor = $J('#' + rId + '_FRBR_AUTHOR').text(); var authorizedTitle = 1; if (curTitle == "") { // will have issues if no author & uniform title is made up of common words curTitle = $J('#' + rId + '_FRBR_TITLE').text(); if (curTitle == "") { // will have issues if no author & uniform title is made up of common words curTitle = $J('#' + rId + '_' + ercTitleCode).text(); curMainTitle = $J('#' + rId + '_' + ercTitleCode).text(); } authorizedTitle = 0; } if (curAuthor == "" && isIlsh*t == 0) { curAuthor = $J('#' + rId + '_' + ercAuthorCode).text(); } //console.log("authTitle: " + authorizedTitle); //console.log(rId + " Author:|" + curAuthor + "|"); //console.log(rId + " Title:|" +curTitle + "|"); // require both Title and Author to attempt collapse; allow Title only if it is a Uniform Title curTitle = curTitle.replace(/ : *$/,''); if (((curTitle != "") && (curAuthor != "")) || ((authorizedTitle == 1) && (curTitle != ""))) { //curTitle.replace(/;/g,""); curTitle = removeGmd(curTitle); var frbrSearchString = 'qu=TITLE:\"' + curTitle.replace(/ /g, '+') + '\"'; var rssSearchString = 'qu=TITLE:\"' + curTitle.replace(/ /g, '+').replace(/[?&;¿¡]/g, '') + '\"'; if (curAuthor != "") { frbrSearchString += '&qu=AUTHOR:\"' + curAuthor.replace(/ /g, '+') + '\"'; rssSearchString += '&qu=AUTHOR:\"' + curAuthor.replace(/ /g, '+').replace(/[?&;¿¡]/g, '') + '\"'; } // console.log('frbr search string ' + frbrSearchString); // console.log('rss search string ' + rssSearchString); var frbrRssSearchURL = baseRssURL + rssSearchString; var frbrHitSearchURL = baseSearchURL + frbrSearchString + '&FRBR=1'; if (searchFacets !== '') { frbrRssSearchURL += '&qf=' + searchFacets; frbrHitSearchURL += '&qf=' + searchFacets; } if (searchLimit !== '') { frbrRssSearchURL += '&lm=' + searchLimit; frbrHitSearchURL += '&lm=' + searchLimit; } if (searchTarget !== '') { frbrRssSearchURL += '&te=' + searchTarget; frbrHitSearchURL += '&te=' + searchTarget; } frbrRssSearchURL += '&ln=' + myLocale; //console.log('rss search string ' + frbrRssSearchURL); var numTitles = 0; $J.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: frbrRssSearchURL, dataType: 'xml', async: false, success: function(data) { var entries = $J(data).find('entry'); numTitles = $J(entries).length; if (numTitles > 1) { //console.log(' Search found '+ numTitles +' titles'); var expressions = []; //console.log("authTitle: "+authorizedTitle); if (authorizedTitle == 0) { //console.log("curTitle:"+curTitle); //console.log("curMainTitle:"+curMainTitle); var seriesPattern = new RegExp("^" + curMainTitle.toUpperCase() + " AND |^" + curMainTitle.toUpperCase() + "\.{0,1} VOLUME |^" + curMainTitle.toUpperCase() + "\.{0,1} VOL\. |^" + curMainTitle.toUpperCase() + "\.{0,1} PART |^" + curMainTitle.toUpperCase() + "\.{0,1} [0-9]{1,} |^" + curMainTitle.toUpperCase() + " Y |" + curMainTitle.toUpperCase() + "\. [A-Z ]{3,} "); //console.log("seriesPattern:"+seriesPattern); var frbrEntries = $$J(entries), function(frbrEntry) { var frbrHitTitle = $J(frbrEntry).find('title').text().replace("Title ", ""); frbrHitTitle = removeGmd(frbrHitTitle); frbrHitTitle = removeSubtitle(frbrHitTitle);/*** BEGIN CUSTOM ***/ frbrHitTitle = frbrHitTitle.replace(/ \/ .*$/, '');/*** END CUSTOM ***/ //console.log("authTitle=0: "+frbrHitTitle.toUpperCase()+"|curTitle:"+curTitle.toUpperCase()); //console.log($J(frbrEntry).find('id').text().replace(/ent:\/\/.*\//,"")); //console.log("frbrHitTitle:"+frbrHitTitle); if ($J(frbrEntry).find('id').text().indexOf(hitDocId) !== -1) { //don't eliminate the title we started from! return frbrEntry; } else if (frbrHitTitle.toUpperCase().indexOf(curTitle.toUpperCase()) > 5 || (authorizedTitle == 0 && frbrHitTitle.toUpperCase().indexOf(curTitle.toUpperCase()) < 0)) { console.log("ctitle found in ftitle at(1): "+frbrHitTitle.toUpperCase().indexOf(curTitle.toUpperCase())); unclusterIdList[$J(frbrEntry).find('id').text().replace(/ent:\/\/.*\//, "")] = true; //removedIds.push($J(frbrEntry).find('id').text().replace(/ent:\/\/.*\//,"") ); //$J(this).remove(); numTitles--; return null; } else if (seriesPattern.test(frbrHitTitle.toUpperCase())) { console.log("volume pattern match:"+$J(frbrEntry).find('id').text().replace(/ent:\/\/.*\//,"") ); unclusterIdList[$J(frbrEntry).find('id').text().replace(/ent:\/\/.*\//, "")] = true; //removedIds.push($J(frbrEntry).find('id').text().replace(/ent:\/\/.*\//,"") ); //$J(this).remove(); numTitles--; return null; } else if (frbrHitTitle.length > curTitle.length + 6 || curTitle.length > frbrHitTitle.length + 6 ) { numTitles--; return null; } else { return frbrEntry; } //console.log(' Revised search total: '+ numTitles +' titles'); }); } // authorizedTitle = 0 else { //process hits from authorized title searches //console.log("curTitle:"+curTitle); //console.log("curMainTitle:"+curMainTitle); var seriesPattern = new RegExp("^" + curMainTitle.toUpperCase() + " AND |^" + curMainTitle.toUpperCase() + "\.{0,1} VOLUME |^" + curMainTitle.toUpperCase() + "\.{0,1} VOL\. |^" + curMainTitle.toUpperCase() + "\.{0,1} PART |^" + curMainTitle.toUpperCase() + "\.{0,1} [0-9]{1,} |^" + curMainTitle.toUpperCase() + "\.{0,1} I[IVX]{1,} |" + curMainTitle.toUpperCase() + " IN |" + curMainTitle.toUpperCase() + " Y |" + curMainTitle.toUpperCase() + "\. [A-Z ]{3,} "); //console.log("seriesPattern:"+seriesPattern); var frbrEntries = $$J(entries), function(frbrEntry) { var frbrHitTitle = $J(frbrEntry).find('title').text().replace("Title ", ""); frbrHitTitle = removeGmd(frbrHitTitle); //console.log($J(frbrEntry).find('id').text().replace(/ent:\/\/.*\//,"")); //console.log("frbrHitTitle:"+frbrHitTitle); // Check if FRBR search hit is the same as the current main title followed by certain words that indicate a later volume in a series if (seriesPattern.test(frbrHitTitle.toUpperCase())) { console.log("volume pattern match(2):"+$J(frbrEntry).find('id').text().replace(/ent:\/\/.*\//,"") ); unclusterIdList[$J(frbrEntry).find('id').text().replace(/ent:\/\/.*\//, "")] = true; //removedIds.push($J(frbrEntry).find('id').text().replace(/ent:\/\/.*\//,"") ); //$J(this).remove(); numTitles--; return null; } else if ((frbrHitTitle.toUpperCase().indexOf(curTitle.toUpperCase()) < 5 && frbrHitTitle.toUpperCase().indexOf(curTitle.toUpperCase()) >= 0) && (frbrHitTitle.length > curTitle.length + 6 || curTitle.length > frbrHitTitle.length + 6 )) { console.log("ctitle found in ftitle at(2): "+frbrHitTitle.toUpperCase().indexOf(curTitle.toUpperCase())); numTitles--; return null; } else { return frbrEntry; } }); } console.log(' Final revised search total: '+ numTitles +' titles'); if (numTitles < 2) { return; } //console.log(removedIds); //console.log(frbrEntries); sessionStorage.unclusterIds = JSON.stringify(unclusterIdList); //console.log(JSON.stringify(unclusterIdList)); var divSelector = '#' + rId.replace(/hitlist/, "results_bio"); if ($J('body').hasClass('mobile')) { divSelector = '#' + rId.replace(/hitlist/, "results_cell"); } $J(divSelector).parent().children('.results_top_half').children('.results_chkbox').hide(); $J(divSelector).parent().children('.results_right').hide(); $J(divSelector).children('.thumb_hidden').hide(); $J(divSelector).parents('.cell_wrapper').addClass("frbrClusterDisplay"); //var multipleTag = '

' + multipleFormatsText + '

View all editions

'; //var multipleTag = '


'; //var multipleTag = '

' + multipleFormatsText + '

    • Search all editions

'; var multipleTag = '

' + multipleFormatsText + '

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Resultados da busca para thats not what happened (2024)


What really happened to Sarah in That's Not What Happened? ›

The false narrative, that Sarah died “defending her faith” symbolized by the cross necklace she was wearing at the time she was shot, has grown into the inspirational legend of a young, beautiful, modern-day religious martyr. In fact, the necklace belonged to Kellie, the angry, anti-social emo nobody liked.

What is the message of "That's Not What Happened"? ›

Inspired by the story of Cassie Bernall after Columbine, Keplinger's book is a story about who controls the narrative in the aftermath of tragedy. It's a searing exploration of voice: who has it and who has it taken from them. Lee -- who is asexual -- begins the story three years after a surviving a school shooting.

What are the trigger warnings in that's not what happened? ›

Trigger Warnings: This book features a school shooting, blood, panic attacks, discussion of trauma, and alcoholism.

What happened in the book That's Not What Happened? ›

That's Not What Happened is the story of 6 survivors of the shooting who want to tell their real stories in the wake of the media circus after the tragedy. Every survivor has a different take on the events and gets a chance to finally share their perspective.

Is that's not what happened based on a true story? ›

While this book was not written as an account of people's exact stories from the Columbine shooting, the stories feel very real and personal and the concept of the book aligns with real events that took place during the tragedy that happened in 1999.

Who were the survivors in That's Not What Happened? ›

But the tragedy didn't just affect Lee. It affected other survivors who witnessed death firsthand: Miles Mason, Ashley Chambers, Eden Martinez, Denny Lucas, and Kellie Gaynor. That's Not What Happened by Kody Keplinger is an amazingly moving book. Have you read it?

What is the summary of anything could happen? ›

Dreams might have been broken and opportunities missed, but there are still surprises in store… Anything Could Happen is a warm, wise, funny and uplifting novel about love, second chances and the unexpected and extraordinary paths life can take us down.

Why is no one talking about this summary? ›

In 2021, Patricia Lockwood released her book “No One Is Talking About This.”. The book examines how social media, technology, and human connection interact in contemporary society. Lockwood explores the effects of the internet on our lives and our collective sense of reality while blending humor and introspection.

What is the summary of we are all that's left? ›

Told in chapters that alternate between Zara's present-day Providence, RI, and Nadja's own childhood in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Bosnian War of the 1990s, We Are All That's Left shows the ways in which, no matter the time and place, struggle and tragedy can give way to connection, healing and love.

Is that's not what happened appropriate for 12 year olds? ›

Some things to consider about this book, although this topic has affected students as young as kindergarten, I do not believe 12 years old is an appropriate starting age for this book, nor is 7th grade. I think it would be better suited to start at 15 years old and 9th grade.

What are the trigger warnings in the words we keep? ›

Content warnings include attempted suicide, mental health and self harm. Readers with emetophobia may have trouble with some scenes.

What are the trigger warnings for everyone in this room will someday be dead? ›

Trigger Warnings: Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Addiction, Injury, References to death, murder and suicide. Gilda doesn't want to die - but she can't stop thinking about death. How it works, how inevitable it is, and most of all about how one day something is going to kill her and everybody she cares about.

What happens in the book all the answers? ›

When Ava discovers a magical pencil that provides the answers to any question, she embarks on a journey to uncover the truth about her family and the mysterious origins of the pencil. This thought-provoking book delves into themes of curiosity, friendship, and the complexities of life.

How did it end in the books? ›

It runs away to tend to its injuries, but Bill, Richie, and Ben chase after and find that It has laid eggs. Ben stays behind to destroy the eggs, while Bill and Richie head toward their final confrontation with It. Bill fights his way inside It's body, locates It's heart, and destroys it.

What happens in the book short? ›

Julia is very short for her age, but by the end of the summer run of The Wizard of Oz, she'll realize how big she is inside, where it counts. She hasn't ever thought of herself as a performer, but when the wonderful director of Oz casts her as a Munchkin, she begins to see herself in a new way.

What is it's not supposed to be this way about? ›

It's Not Supposed to Be This Way is a type of devotional book, a modern Christian self-help book of faith-builders and encouragement. It centers around TerKeurt's struggles over the couple years when her husband of many years cheated on her and she was diagnosed with cancer.

What is the story behind the song is that all there is? ›

The lyrics of this song are written from the point of view of a person who is disillusioned with events in life that are supposedly unique experiences. The singer tells of witnessing her family's house on fire when she was a little girl, seeing the circus, and falling in love for the first time.

What is the theme of We Are All That's Left? ›

One deeply compelling story set in both Bosnia and the United States, spanning decades and generations, about the brutality of war and the trauma of everyday life after war, about hope and the ties that bind us together.

What is the story of all the things we don't talk about? ›

Description. A “big-hearted, lively, and expansive portrait of a family” that follows a neurodivergent father, his nonbinary teenager, and the sudden, catastrophic reappearance of the woman who abandoned them (Claire Lombardo, Morgan Flowers just wants to hide.


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Last Updated:

Views: 6042

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.