Program – Inner Development Goals (2024)

Are you passionate about inner development and climate action? In this track, we will explore how inner transformation can drive systemic climate innovation in cities and rural communities utilising the expertise of the IDGs and of the United Nations Climate Change Global Innovation Hub. Through visioning exercises, you will imagine desirable future cities and identify the inner development needed to make this vision a reality. Through collaborative activities, we then invite you to generate project ideas to support regenerative, resilient and empowering urban and rural environments. We aim to equip you with a deeper understanding of how inner growth can support climate action and provide tools and connections to bring these ideas to life.

9:00 – 9:10 –Resonance – Uniting Our Voices to Amplify Change (Interaction)
The RESONANCE project utilises what we all have in common: The pure power ofsound. RESONANCE empowers every person on Earth to use their voice – symbolically and literally – for the greater good. It transcends our disputes and
differences and lets us align in the simplest yet most profound way.
Dina Baenninger, Transformance Artist & Executive Director of StrategicPartnerships and Alliances, ALOHAS Regenerative Foundation

9:10 – 9:40– Transforming Systems – Inner Development for Climate Innovation (Input)
Get to know the UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub’s vision and methodology forsystems innovation to create transformative climate projects and connect deeply,setting the stage for collaborative project development throughout the day.
Massamba Thioye, Project Executive, Global Innovation Hub, UNFCCC
Laila Martins, Regenerative Innovation Ecosystems Builder, RegenBeings; UN & IDG Program Lead – IDG
RachaelJacobs, PhD, Academic, Teaching Artist & Community Activist, Western Sydney University
Moderated by Jamie Bristow, Public Narrative & Policy Development, IDG

9:40 – 10:10 Conversation: How Can Inner Capacities Help Us Establish Climate Innovation Projects? (Input)
This discussion will explore how inner development can enhance climate innovation projects in cities and rural communities, and on topics like water or healthcare.
Massamba Thioye, Project Executive, Global Innovation Hub, UNFCCC
Helena Harnik, Co-Founder, The Synergist
Michael Bach, Professor for Water Resources Management and Engineering,University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart/IDG Water Network
Verónica Alcocer García, Philantropist
Moderated by Jamie Bristow, Public Narrative & Policy Development, IDG

10:10 – 10:30 Inner Development in Public Policy and Narratives (Input)
Get to know “The Mindful Cities Initiative (MCI)” and other capacity-building programs that support civic leaders in integrating inner development practices into cross-sector training for community leaders and staff.
Jamie Bristow, Public Narrative & Policy Development, IDGs

10:30 – 11:00 MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

11:00 – 12:30 Translating Vision into Action: Inner Development in Cities (Interaction)
How do inner and outer actions unite to drive meaningful change? Discuss how citygovernments, in collaboration with business and civil society, can activate and applyinner skills to create more desirable cities, using tools like the IDG Framework, the Community Handprint and the Impact Garden.
Jeroen Janss, Co-Founder, Inner Green Deal
Jannik Kaiser, Co-Founder & Regenerative Measurement and Evaluation Lead,Unity Effect
Laila Martins, Regenerative Innovation Ecosystems Builder, RegenBeings; UN &IDG Program Lead – Germany, IDG

12:30 – 13:30 MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

13:30 – 13:50 The Body – A Radical Systems Measurement Tool (Interaction)
How can we use our body as a metaphor when dealing with trust and radical collaboration? Experience how artistic and cultural processes can catalyse globalcommunity-led climate innovation.
Mézu Ofoegbu, Artist & Founder, Infinity Village Lab, assisted by Rachael Jacobs, PhD, Academic, Teaching Artist & Community Activist, Western Sydney University

13:50 – 14:50 Ideation Lab – Part 1 (Interaction)
Start by crystallising your project ideas – craft an ambitious vision and gather theresources needed to implement inner development for more regenerative,empowering cities. Collaborate to make these ideas tangible, mapping out detailedsteps to bring the projects to life.
Marc Buckley, Founder, ALOHAS Regenerative Foundation
Dina Baenninger, Transformance Artist & Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships and Alliances, ALOHAS Regenerative Foundation
Moderated by Laila Martins, Regenerative Innovation Ecosystems Builder, RegenBeings; UN & IDG Program Lead

14:50 – 15:20 MA TIME (間, Japanese lit. ‘gap, space, pause’)

15:20 – 16:20 Ideation Lab – Part 2 (Interaction)
Finalise your team’s project idea submission forms, making sure they’re polished, ready to go and perfectly aligned with the UGIH Systemic Innovation Workshop’s requirements. This is your chance to put the finishing touches on your big ideas and ensure they shine!

16:20 – 17:00 Closing & Pathways Forward (Input)
To conclude the day, we will celebrate the day’s successes and showcase theproject ideas that have emerged. IDG and the UNFCCC Global InnovationHub will present engagement pathways to support you in incubating theseprojects.
Massamba Thioye, Project Executive, Global Innovation Hub, UNFCCC
Laila Martins, Regenerative Innovation Ecosystems Builder, RegenBeings; UN & IDG Program Lead – Germany, IDG
Rachael Jacobs, Academic, Teaching Artist & Community Activist, Western Sydney University
Moderated by Jamie Bristow, Public Narrative & Policy Development, IDG

Curation Circle: Laila Martins, RegenBeings (LEAD); Jannik Kaiser, Unity Effect; Jeroen Janss, Inner Green Deal; Mézu OfoegbuInfinity Village Lab; Rachael Jacobs, Western Sydney University; Marc Buckley & Dina Baenninger, ALOHAS Regenerative Foundation; Massamba Thioye, Sylvia Otieno & Nitin Arora, United Nations Climate Change Global Innovation Hub, Jamie Bristow, IDG

Program – Inner Development Goals (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.