Physiology, Respiratory Quotient (2024)


Respiration is the process by which the respiratory substrate is broken down to release energy. The two main operating factors of cell respiration are aerobic and anaerobic respiration, where aerobic respiration requires the presence ofoxygen and anaerobic respiration does not. The most common respiratory substrate is glucose, which has a 6-carbon compound. The substrateis metabolized through glycolysis, the TCA cycle, electron transport chain, and oxidative phosphorylation. Through these cycles,cells are able to produce and store ATP, and carbon dioxideis produced as aby-product. It is important to understand the levels of carbon dioxide produced from different substrates because toxic levels can be destructive tothe body. Healthcare professionals can recommend that a patient alter his or her diet, particularly for those with pulmonary and liver conditions, to increase the release of CO2 and avoid respiratory fatigue and utilizeit as a prognostic factor, respectively.[1]

The respiratory quotient,also known as the respiratory ratio (RQ), is defined as the volume of carbon dioxide released over the volume of oxygen absorbed during respiration. It is a dimensionless number used in a calculation for basal metabolic rate when estimated from carbon dioxide production to oxygen absorption. The uptake of oxygen is a form of indirect calorimetry and is measured by a respirometer directly at the tissue or mouth.

Respiratory Ratio

RQ = Vol CO2 released/Vol O2 absorbed

It is calculated for a particular substrate i.e., carbohydrates, organic acid, fat, and protein. Carbohydrates are oxidized through aerobic respiration resulting in an equal ratio of CO2 release and oxygen consumption. Subsequently, the RQ for fat, protein, and anaerobe is 0.7, 0.8, and 0 respectively. If a mixture of the substrates isconsumed, then the RQ ratio collectively is 0.8.[2]


When inspired oxygen is collected in the alveolar sac, perfusion occurs through the capillary network surrounding the alveoli. This perfused oxygen is transported by the red blood cell to the surrounding tissues. As blood is traveling through the capillary bed, oxygen is released from the RBC to the respective tissue site. Concurrently, the tissue releases CO2 through metabolic processes into the red blood cell, delivering it to the lungs.

Normal Respiration

  • Vol CO2 = 200 mL/min and Vol O2 = 250 mL/min, resulting in 0.8 respiratory ratio

In the presence of macronutrients, oxygen is required for the breakdown of carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Carbohydrates (C6H12O6 + 6O2) have a 6 carbon chain and metabolize via glycolysis to form 2 pyruvate substrates, releasing CO2 as a by-product when converting to acetyl CoA. CO2 is also a by-product in the Krebs cycle when 2 carbon acetyl CoA reacts with a 4 carbon citrate, making a total of3 CO2 in each metabolizing cascade. If the starting molecule is a fatty acid, which contains 12, 18, 20, or 22 carbon molecules, it goes through the process of B - oxidation to form acetyl Co-A which does not generate carbon dioxide. Therefore, when using fat over carbohydrates as a form offuel, less CO2 is generated for every oxygen consumed.

Related Testing

Indirect Calorimetry

To validate RQ, it is important to calculate heat production by measuring pulmonary gas exchange first; this is known as indirect calorimetry. The method for measuring inspired oxygen and expired carbon dioxide is to calculate the resting energy expenditure (REE) and respiratory quotient (RQ). REE allows the nutritionist to understand how much they need to feed their patients.

Respiratory Quotient and Respiratory Exchange Ratio[3]

Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) directly measures Vol CO2 released/Vol O2 absorbed at the mouth and does not require invasive procedures. Respiratory quotient, on the other hand,measures directly at the tissue, requiring an arterial and venous catheter while monitoring blood pressure for optimal results.

Carbohydrates are oxidized through aerobic respiration using RER, resulting in an equal ratio of CO2 release and oxygen consumption; this implies that 100% of carbohydratesare consumed to produce ATP.

  • C6H12O2 + 6 O2 -> 6CO2 + 6 H2O + Energy

  • RQ= 6 CO2 /6 O2 = 1.0

When fat is oxidized and measured using RER, the outcome is reduced CO2 production for every oxygen molecule consumed.

  • C16H32O2 + 23 O2 -> 16CO2 + 16 H2O + Energy

  • RQ= 16 CO2 / 23 O2 = 0.7

When protein is the respiratory substrate, it results inreduced CO2 production for every oxygen molecule consumed.[4]

  • C72H112N18O22 + 77 O2 -> 63O2 + 38 H2O + Energy

  • RQ= 63 CO2 / 77 O2= 0.9

Clinical Significance

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a pulmonary disease that causes chronic obstruction of airflow. Chronic inflammation of the bronchioles along with mucousproduction causes them to become deformed and narrow along with mucous production, limiting the airflow as a person exhales. Because the patient is not able to fully exhale, carbon dioxide remains in the alveoli due to the loss of elasticity of the sac. The patients suffer from shortness of breath, productive cough, respiratory acidosis, and complicated pneumonia.

In 1992, a study showed that carbohydrate-rich food increases the production of CO2, leading to an increase in respiratory rate and eventually respiratory failure. On the contrary, fat-rich meals decrease the production of CO2, leading to reduce alveolar ventilation and minor improvement in respiration in patients who initially have an RQ ratio greater than 0.75.[5]

Non-Insulin Dependent Weight Gain

The respiratory quotient can be used to predict weight gain in non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Normally, a diabetic patient has insulin-resistant receptors, which results in hyperglycemia. This prevents metabolization from occurring via glycolysis, therefore, increasing lipolysis. As mentioned, an increase in lipolysis will reduce the production of CO2. A study done in 1998, demonstrated an inverse correlation between RQ ratio and serum glucose levels in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus treated with oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin. Patients whowere on the oral hypoglycemic agents and had a higher BMI verified that their RQ ratio was much higher than those of average BMI. After following them for a year, aweight gain of 3 kg was noticed in 50% of the patients along with an increase in the RQ ratio. This study concluded that the RQ ratio is a valid predictor for weight gain in diabetics treated with oral agents.[6]

Nutrition Guide for Sick Patients

Utilizing the indirect calorimetry and respiratory energy expenditure aids in calculating the ideal kcal patients need to consume per day, especially when unable to estimate caloric requirements, inadequate clinical response to a predicted equation, or clinical sign of over and under-feeding. Patients who are morbidly obese or suffering from sepsis have an alteration in their VCO2 release and VO2 consumption. For this reason, a daily RQ and indirect calorimetry are essential to optimize their diet and reduce hospital stay.[7][8]

  • REE = (kcal/d)= (VO2 x 3.94) + (VCO2 x 1.11) x 1440



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Prentice RL, Neuhouser ML, Tinker LF, Pettinger M, Thomson CA, Mossavar-Rahmani Y, Thomas F, Qi L, Huang Y. An exploratory study of respiratory quotient calibration and association with postmenopausal breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013 Dec;22(12):2374-83. [PMC free article: PMC3864792] [PubMed: 24108790]


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Patkova A, Joskova V, Havel E, Najpaverova S, Uramova D, Kovarik M, Zadak Z, Hronek M. Prognostic value of respiratory quotients in severe polytrauma patients with nutritional support. Nutrition. 2018 May;49:90-95. [PubMed: 29500970]


Fernández-Verdejo R, Bajpeyi S, Ravussin E, Galgani JE. Metabolic flexibility to lipid availability during exercise is enhanced in individuals with high insulin sensitivity. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2018 Oct 01;315(4):E715-E722. [PMC free article: PMC6230709] [PubMed: 29870678]

Disclosure: Hiran Patel declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Connor Kerndt declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Abhishek Bhardwaj declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Physiology, Respiratory Quotient (2024)


Physiology, Respiratory Quotient? ›

The respiratory quotient, also known as the respiratory ratio (RQ), is defined as the volume of carbon dioxide released over the volume of oxygen absorbed during respiration. It is a dimensionless number used in a calculation for basal metabolic rate when estimated from carbon dioxide production to oxygen absorption.

What is a normal respiratory quotient? ›

The respiratory quotient, which typically ranges between 0.7 and 1.0, is an indicator of metabolic fuel or substrate use in tissues; it must be calculated under resting or steady-state exercise conditions.

What does a RQ value equal to 1 mean? ›

The respiratory quotient (RQ) is the ratio of CO2 produced by cellular metabolism to O2 used by tissues. It quantifies the relative amounts of carbohydrate and fatty acids being oxidized for energy. An RQ of 0.7 implies dependence on free fatty acids. An RQ of 1.0 indicates dependence on carbohydrate.

What does RQ less than 1 mean? ›

Respiratory quotient is less than 1 when the substrate is fats or proteins. It is higher when the cells do not have access to oxygen. Respiratory quotient is zero during incomplete oxidation.

What does a high RQ mean? ›

Underfeeding, which forces the body to utilize fat stores, will lower the respiratory quotient, while overfeeding, which causes lipogenesis, will increase it. Underfeeding is marked by a respiratory quotient below 0.85, while a respiratory quotient greater than 1.0 indicates overfeeding.

What is a normal RQ value? ›

Your respiratory quotient is a decimal between 0.7 and 1.0. A normal range is typically around 0.8 - 0.85. The results may also be broken down by macronutrients to represent how much of each substrate your body is deriving its energy from.

What does an RER of 1.00 indicate? ›

An RER of 1.0 is the anaerobic threshold, the point at which the body begins to metabolize sugar using the less efficient anaerobic pathway and build up lactic acid.

What does it mean if RQ is greater than 1? ›

or Respiratory Quotient is the ratio of volume of carbon dioxide released to the oxygen absorbed to produce energy. R.Q. value of organic acids is greater than one because they already have a good amount of oxygen in their molecule that can be oxidised which decreases the requirement of external O2.

When RQ is 1? ›

When will the value of RQ be 1 and when will it be less than 1? Assertion :When carbohydrates are used as substrate and are completely oxidised the RQ is equal to 1 Reason: When proteins are used in respiration , the RQ is greater than 1.

What is the highest RQ value? ›

Malic acid :- 1.4 is the RQ value of the malic acid that is an organic acid . The RQ value of organic acid is usually more than the unity because organic acids contain high amounts of oxygen and low amounts of carbon and hydrogen .

What does RQ tell us? ›

The respiratory quotient, also known as the respiratory ratio (RQ), is defined as the volume of carbon dioxide released over the volume of oxygen absorbed during respiration. It is a dimensionless number used in a calculation for basal metabolic rate when estimated from carbon dioxide production to oxygen absorption.

What is RQ 1 for? ›

Here equal amounts of carbon dioxide and oxygen are evolved and consumed, respectively. The RQ for carbohydrates is approximately 1. Fats are also involved in the process of cellular respiration. Unlike carbohydrate molecules, fat molecules are not completely oxidised.

What does decrease in RQ mean? ›

Underfeeding, which promotes use of endogenous fat stores, should cause decreases in the RQ, whereas overfeeding, which results in lipogenesis, should cause increases in the RQ.

What is a good RQ? ›

A good RQ needs thorough literature search and deep insight into the specific area/problem to be investigated. A RQ has to be focused yet simple. Research guided by such question can have wider impact in the field of social and health research by leading to formulation of policies for the benefit of larger population.

What does RQ stand for in physiology? ›

RQ stands for respiratory quotient. Respiratory quotient is defined as the ratio between the amount of carbon dioxide produced when the respiratory substrate is respired and the amount of oxygen consumed in a set period of time. Respiratory quotient is also known as the respiratory ratio.

What is the significance of RQ in biology? ›

QR codes on biological specimens provide links to photographs, maps, ecosystem notes and citations.

What does a respiratory quotient of 0.85 mean? ›

Respiratory quotient (RQ) is calculated from the RER and is an indicator of which fuel (carbohydrate or fat) is being metabolized to supply the body with energy. – RQ/RER 0.7 = optimal fat burning. – RQ/RER 0.85 = a mix of fat and carbohydrates. – RQ/RER 1.0 = complete sugar burning.

What is normal RESP values? ›

Your respiratory rate, or your breathing rate, is the number of breaths you take per minute. The normal respiratory rate for an adult at rest is 12 to 18 breaths per minute. A respiration rate under 12 or over 25 breaths per minute while resting may be a sign of an underlying health condition.

What is respiratory quotient more than 1 for? ›

or Respiratory Quotient is the ratio of volume of carbon dioxide released to the oxygen absorbed to produce energy. R.Q. value of organic acids is greater than one because they already have a good amount of oxygen in their molecule that can be oxidised which decreases the requirement of external O2.

Can RER be greater than 1? ›

RER values between 0.7 and 1 indicate a mix of carbohydrate and fat as an energy source. If the value is greater than 1, it indicates anaerobic respiration, which occurs when more carbon dioxide is produced than oxygen is consumed.


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